Underlying Elements Of Experience-led Ecommerce & future of ecommerce 15-Nov-2024 Ecommerce Nescode Customers are empowered unlike ever before with multi-dimensional experiences to find, compare, purchase and checkout. And these multidimensional experiences generate data like never before and that m... Read more
Brand And Brand Management: Back To Basics 15-Nov-2024 Nescode Branding has been around for centuries as a mean to distinguish the products and services of a producer from another. Technically speaking, a brand is a name, sign, symbol or design with a combination... Read more
Secure The Digital World To Ensure Better World 15-Nov-2024 Technology Nescode Digital world growth is like never before whether it’s a corporate world or personal space. In fact, a day starts with online activities for the majority of people and so are the threats and risk of b... Read more
Artificial Intelligence, business perspective and ethical implications 15-Nov-2024 Technology Nescode The history of Artificial intelligence began in antiquity, with myths and stories of artificial being endowed with intelligence or consciousness. Perhaps IBM is the early bird in AI who started workin... Read more
Artificial Intelligence And Being Human 15-Nov-2024 Technology Nescode Artificial Intelligence(AI) has shown an upward trend of growth due to the advancement of human society however most of the advancement is still undergoing heavy development. From a consumer perspecti... Read more
Cloud native architecture and design principle 15-Nov-2024 Technology Nescode Cloud-native architecture is more like an approach rather than an architecture for building software as microservices and running them on a containerized environment. The primary goal of following a c... Read more
How to write a technical specification document 15-Nov-2024 Startup Nescode ( Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subject discussed. We have curated the content from various sources and the credit goes to all of ... Read more
Consulting Insight, Design-led Thinking To Connect Digital & Physical 21-Dec-2022 People Nescode Organizations need to grow at every step. As is said, with great power, comes great responsibilities. Hence, with each growing step, organizations need to work towards ensuring the sustainability of t... Read more
Ecommerce Should Be Designed For Growth And Flexibility 17-Dec-2022 Ecommerce Nescode Ecommerce brought a huge revolution with online shopping trends that allowed an ease for the sellers as well as the buyers giving them a platform to buy and sell products at their ease. Online shoppin... Read more
Indian Startup, Entrepreneurship, Journey, Growth And Purpose 07-Dec-2022 Startup Nescode Startups are a company that root up with an idea having various infrastructural shape and size, some starts in a bedroom and some in a co-working space. But, we need to analyse the word “startup” befo... Read more
Self-controlled Algorithm: A Breakthrough And Beyond Digital Reality 18-Jan-2019 Technology Nescode In this breakthrough technologically mended world, people have advanced themselves and their lives by easifying their day to day chores. They have found ways and means to tackle all the problems arisi... Read more
Economics Of Startup Ideas And Institutionalization 11-Jan-2019 Startup Nescode God has gifted mankind with an extremely powerful ability to think and execute. This ability leads to the several innovations that we see around us everywhere. Each one of us, working or studying have... Read more